
An alert is used to present feedback messages to users’ actions.


  1. Usage
  2. Options
  3. Size option


An alert box is generally used when you want to make sure information comes through to the user, so it should be implemented for situations that do not require any user response, other than the acknowledgement of the message.

To initialize the component you can use any valid selector.

You can either use it as a jQuery plugin:

$('any-selector').on('click', () => $.fn.alert(options));

Or as a vanilla constructor:

import Alert from 'garden/src/js/components/alert';

new Alert(options);

Below is an example on how to create a button to open an alert. You can close it either by clicking on the close icon, on the OK button, or by pressing the ESC key.

<button class="button button-primary" data-alert>Open Alert</button>
let alert = $('[data-alert]').on('click', () => $.fn.alert());


These are the options provided with the alert component, along with their default values.

Option Default Description
textMessage This is an example message A text to display in the alert
textButton Ok A text to the alert button
size "medium" The modal size may vary between small, large, or medium
triggerClose data-alert-button A string selector to bind and call the hide method when clicked

Below is an example on how to initialize the component passing customized options.

let options = {
  textMessage: 'This is an alert box',
  textButton: 'Confirm',
  triggerClose: '.any-selector'

// as a jquery plugin
$('[data-alert]').on('click', () => $.fn.alert(options));

// as a vanilla constructor
new Alert(options);

Notice in the example above that the closing action for the alert is now attached to the element with the .any-selector class.

Size option

As stated, an alert has three predefined sizes: small, medium, or large. You can click on the buttons below to check each size option.

$('[data-alert]').on('click', () => $.fn.alert({ size: 'small|medium|large' }));