A confirm is used to present confirmation messages according to users’ actions.
The confirm component is an empty container where you can add a message that will be presented to users so they can confirm or not the execution of an specific action.
You can initiate the component as a jQuery plugin:
// using any selector
$('any-selector').on('click', () => $.fn.confirm(callback, options));
Or as a vanilla constructor:
import Confirm from 'garden/src/js/components/confirm';
new Confirm(callback, options);
The component takes a callback in the first argument and the options in the second argument.
Here’s an example on how to create a button to open a confirm window.
These are the options provided with the confirm component, along with their default values.
Option | Default | Description |
textMessage | This is an example message |
A text to display in the confirm |
textConfirmButton | Ok |
A text to the confirm button |
textCancelButton | Cancel |
A text to the cancel button |
size | "medium" |
The modal size may vary between small, large, or medium |
Below is an example on how to initialize the component passing customized options.
let options = {
textMessage: 'This is an example message',
textConfirmButton: 'Ok',
textCancelButton: 'Cancel'
const callback = (value) => value
// as a jquery plugin
$('[data-confirm]').on('click', () => $.fn.confirm(callback, options));
// as a vanilla constructor
new Confirm(callback, options);
Size option
As stated, a confirm has three predefined sizes: small, medium, or large. You can click on the buttons below to check each size option.
$('[data-confirm]').on('click', () => $.fn.confirm((value) => value, { size: 'small|medium|large' }));