
An emitter is an object responsible for handling the communication among components.

This element is built as an instance of the EventEmitter object from Node.js and therefore exposes some useful functions, such as emitter.on() and emitter.emit().

Registering events

To register an event you can use the emitter.on() function, passing the event name and a handler as parameters.

import emitter from 'src/utils/emitter';

emitter.on('eventName', () => {
  // Here you can handle the event.

Passing arguments

It is possible to pass arguments to a listener while emitting an event with the emitter.emit() function.

import emitter from 'src/utils/emitter';

emitter.on('event', (data) => {
  // Here you can work with the received data.

emitter.emit('event', eventData);

Notice that you can customize event names as you want, but they are generally camel-cased strings.

Third party integration

Usually, Garden components will emit events to allow third party integrations in a project.

For example, the validation component emits an event whenever a field is validated, either for success or error.

import emitter from 'src/utils/emitter';

emitter.on('validation:error', (field, errors) => {
  // Here you can handle the error event, emitted by the validation component.